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Leading the green way


As global supply chain provider to the content industry, we are committed to minimizing the negative impacts of our operation on the environment and to undertaking relevant steps to restore and preserve the environment.


You will find select information on our environmental achievements as well as our environmental guidelines here.

Environmental Achievements

Buzzing & Bleating: We live and breathe diversity



Buzzing & Bleating: We live and breathe diversity


Approaching the Sony building, you hear a humming and buzzing accompanied by bleating and baaing. That’s the sound of biodiversity!


Protecting biodiversity is a central part of our corporate philosophy at Sony DADC. For this reason, we offer a home and shelter to twenty bee colonies – which is around 80,000 bees – and to our mowing sheep – grazing on a pasture area of 8,000 square meters.


Sheep “mow” much slower and not nearly as thoroughly as lawnmowers or mulchers. This leaves enough living space on the meadow for insects and other small animals. Without a lawnmower, late flowering plants that are incompatible with pruning will be able to resettle in the future. The seeds of the plants can also spread more easily and better by getting caught in the wool of the sheep and being carried around.


All in all, with this so-called extensive grazing, we promote the diversity of flora and thus also the preservation of insects, especially our bees.


The bees not only have a home with us but are actually cared for by our employees. In a detailed, well-founded beekeeping course, interested employees have learned everything that is important for expert care and can thus actively participate in our biodiversity measure.


Biodiversity is an essential step on our Road to Zero.

Conserving resources
Reduce, reuse & recycle



Conserving resources
Reduce, reuse & recycle


A sustainable use of natural resources is part of all our environmental plans and in many respects is now a matter of fact for us.


We are pleased about the reductions we have already achieved in this area since 1990:


Graphic of conserving resources data


48 % less energy,  88 % less water,  42 % less waste, 96 % less solvents


A prime example from the area of recycling is the processing of our polycarbonate waste for the manufacturing of new products. We reuse an annual recycling quantity of approx. 300 tons, thus saves 2,328 tons of CO2.


Reducing our resources is an essential step on our Road to Zero.

Renewable Energy
Conserve energy to preserve future
Renewable Energy
Conserve energy to preserve future


When it comes to renewable energies, we go a step further than all our programs require: not only have we already been keeping our promise to purchase electricity exclusively from renewable sources since 2007, but we actually produce it ourselves.


With our photovoltaic system, we have been producing up to 1 million kWh of emission-free electricity per year since 2019 with a peak output of 1,020 kW. There are 3,190 solar cells on 11,000 square meters on the roof of our plant and the electricity generated contributes in parts to our electricity needs, which are covered 100% with renewable energy.


In addition to energy for production, it also supplies the 20 charging stations for electric cars. By the end of 2023, the entire fleet of our company cars will be converted to e-mobility. For our employees, we also offer climate-friendly alternatives to the car with campaigns such as Job-Bike and Klimaticket (subsidized annual ticket for public transport).


The use of renewable energies is an essential step on our Road to Zero.


Understanding and minimizing our impact
Understanding and minimizing our impact


Environmental awareness is composed of an individual’s environmental knowledge, his or her environmental attitudes, and the actual environmental behavior he or she engages in. As a company, it is our concern to bring the environmental topic closer to our employees.


We are convinced that attitudes are formed on the basis of knowledge and understanding and that actual behavior changes as a result. Thus, we contribute to the increase of the social environmental awareness with information campaigns, events and excursions on environmental topics. More information about our current events around the topic can be found at News & Events.


Creating environmental awareness is an essential step on our Road to Zero.


Environmental Guidelines

Globally operating with three principles
Globally operating with three principles


Principle 1 – Reducing the negative environmental impact

Sony DADC is committed to environmental issues on the basis of ISO 14001 environmental management system. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as water consumption, electricity usage, chemical inventory and waste are carefully monitored on a monthly basis. In addition to the wide range of internal Eco driven projects, Sony DADC offers customers programs and initiatives targeted at offsetting product life‐cycle related CO2 emissions.


Principle 2 – Increasing resource efficiency

Eco‐thinking influences our whole product cycle, from the materials we source, recycle and reuse in manufacturing, to the development of thinner packaging that takes up less space for more energy efficient transportation. We have integrated a comprehensive Life‐Cycle and Carbon Management initiative into our daily business, thereby reviewing and monitoring not only manufacturing efficiency but the entire value chain, from responsible purchase and usage of raw materials to distribution of finished products.


Principle 3 – Controlling use of environmental related substances

The materials we use in our products are crucial to minimizing impacts on the environment. We strictly comply with regulations on the use of harmful substances like REACH and ROHS.

Green Partner Programm
Green cooperation
Green Partner Programm
Green cooperation


Sony actively pursues a ”Green Partner Program”, wherein all Sony suppliers must be certified. This ensures maintenance of a common global quality standard whereby electronic parts are only procured from suppliers who have passed a mandatory audit.

Environmental program "Road to Zero"
Reducing the ecological footprint
Environmental program "Road to Zero"
Reducing the ecological footprint


Sony Corporation launched its „Road to Zero” global environmental plan in 2010. The plan, which includes a long-term goal of achieving a zero environmental footprint by 2040, uses back casting methods to set specific mid-term environmental targets on a five year rolling basis in line with this goal.


Sony’s definition of zero environmental footprint is not only limited to the neutralization of carbon emissions, but also extends to waste and use of finite materials such as oil-derived virgin plastics. Targets are based on four environmental perspectives – climate change, resource conservation, control of chemical substances and biodiversity, and  across all product lifecycle stages, from research and development to recycling.

Environmental Policy
Our commitment to a sustainable future


Environmental Policy
Our commitment to a sustainable future


The Environmental Policy of Sony DADC is based on the Sony Group Environmental Vision.



Company Statement

As global supply chain provider to the content industry, we are committed to minimizing the negative impacts of our operation on the environment and to undertaking relevant steps to restore and preserve the environment.



Our strive for environmental protection includes compliance with all applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which Sony DADC subscribes such as internal standards or requirements which relate to our environmental aspects. It includes the prevention of pollution and the continuous improvement in our environmental performance. We control our environmental impacts, annually set technically feasible objectives and targets and review the results. As proven in many cases in the past, with careful planning, creativity and the latest technology, environmental goals and economic considerations can be brought into line.


Main Aspects

Our activities with regard to environmental protection are based on the assessment of the main environmental aspects. We strive to reduce the consumption of direct and indirect materials, energy and water,  reduce solvent emissions and the reduction and recycling of waste. Furthermore, we work towards a reduction and replacement of such substances in the materials used which are harmful and can have negative impacts on the environment.



We are committed to assess the environmental impacts of our operations on a regular basis, both for existing operations and before commencing new activities in order to minimize the identified impacts.


Awareness and Competence

We constantly stimulate awareness for environmental issues and competence among our employees with respect to environmental protection by means of providing training as well as by internally communicating the policy, annual objectives, targets and our environmental performance on a regular basis. We inform and advise our customers in environmentally related questions regarding our products and environmental aspects, and we include our suppliers and contractors in our environmental activities.


Environmental Management System (EMS)

In order to ensure compliance with this policy we have implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) and Environmental Audits are carried out on a regular basis. The Environmental Management System as well as the Environmental Policy is reviewed regularly by the Management Board of Sony DADC.

Environmental Initiatives