Sony DADC is financing the bachelor’s degree for six nurses at the University Hospital Salzburg Landeskliniken.
In December 2021, Dietmar Tanzer and Ingrid Putzhammer handed over a check for €15,000 to Franziska Moser, the director of nursing at Salzburg University Hospital. The money was to be used to finance bachelor’s degrees for six highly experienced nurses who wanted to advance their skills and careers.
Get together
Now there was a follow-up meeting at the University Hospital Salzburg Campus LKH: Werner Gangl, Senior Vice President and Ingrid Putzhammer, Vice President Global Human Resources met the six recipients of the “Sony Scholarship”. The nurses reported on their everyday life – among other things from the University Hospital for Geriatrics, from the University Hospital for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry as well as from discharge management. Discharge management involves working with patients and their families to reorganize their lives after a drastic stay in hospital.
Definitely, there will be further exchange between Sony DADC and the nursing department at the University Hospital Salzburg.

Taking care for those who care, that is our social responsibility.