Sony DADC contributed to Elīna Garančas project for Ukraine aid by sponsoring the production costs of the DVDs.
Since 2008, the concert “Klassik unter Sternen” (Classical Music under the Stars) by the world-famous opera singer Elīna Garanča has taken place every year at Stift Göttweig. So also, this year again, on July 6, 2022. The special atmosphere of the baroque monastery Göttweig offers a unique ambience for this special event.
The mystical concert evening was held under the motto “Sehnsucht” (longing). If one thinks of the current situation, however, longing stands for peace and harmony in society. That’s why, a project was initiated by Elīna Garanča in cooperation with Raiffeisen-Holding NÖ-Wien to contribute to Ukraine aid. In times like these, it is important to set an example and support each other.
To make the project tangible, Sony DADC’s long-time client Copy Rath was brought in to plan it. The concert evening at Stift Göttweig was recorded and Copy Rath commissioned Sony DADC to produce a limited-edition of 1500 DVDs. Elīna Garanča personally signed 1500 inlays for this purpose.
Sony DADC sponsored the entire production costs for the great project. Besides our fundraising campaign in spring this is another contribution from Sony DADC for Ukraine aid.
The sale of this limited edition resulted in a donation of € 40,000. The proceeds went entirely to the “Nachbar in Not” (Neighbor in Need) campaign for Ukraine aid.
Photo Credits: Sony DADC & Leonhard Niederwimmer